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Rest In Peace

To My Dear Mentor, my brother, my good friend – Dr John Edmund Haggai


罗14:8 我们若活着、是为主而活.若死了、是为主而死.所以我们或活或死、总是主的人。
Rom14.18 For if we live, we live to the Lord. Or if we die, we die to the Lord. If therefore we live or die, we are the Lord’s.

Lee Guan San

Dr Haggai indeed demonstrated his faith in God by accomplishing something so great it is doomed to fail, unless God be in it. My observations with Haggai International have given me the impression of something that would not work by the efforts of man, even a godly man, unless it was God doing it using man only as a vessel. My experience at Haggai in Maui even my impression of Dr Haggai, albeit at a distance, all highlighted his stature as a vessel used by God. It also underlined great passion for sharing the gospel; passion that was ironically well contained in humility. May I meet Dr Haggai in the other life.

Vincent Chiwamba

Praise the Lord for his life.

!!Yes,” says the Spirit,(AP) “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them – Rev 14:13

Yes his deeds will follow Dr Haggai!

danielli guimaraes

I thank God for the life of Dr. Haggai, his investment in life has impacted me, his vision of missionary leadership has surprised and motivated me to refocus. God bless the entire leadership lineage impacted by this great man of God.

Christian Ventura

To a great and faithful servant, rest now and share The Master’s joy. Your advocacy continues to live in hearts of the thousands of men and women you have influenced.

Philip V Beley