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I have been so honored to have been involved with this vision. As I said to Dr. Haggai once for his birthday, “thank you for being obedient in doing our Father’s dream”. And what a dream it is! Y can tell you every time I interacted with Dr. Haggai, and what was said/shared. Why? That is how this man of God impacts one’s life. My life, my ministry, focus – my walk with Christ has been impacted because this man dared to dream to do what many at first criticized and maybe even disparage. But now, I, like hundreds of thousands of others, have been enriched, equipped, and challenged to pursue after God’s heart and desire- that all of His creation would come to know His love for us through Jesus Christ! I celebrate Dr. Haggai’s, and his enduring legacy. Grateful for our conversations, grateful for the ministry, and grateful for the example that he walked in for us to follow

“And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:11-12

Thank you sir for inviting us to be imitators of you as you have been an imitator of Christ (1. Cor. 11: 1)

Dr. Frank Famadas

I never met Dr Haggai, but he and his vision of strategic evangelism, especially as worked out at Singapore and the Mid-Pacific Center at Maui, has impacted my life powerfully.

Passionate, targetted and excellent in every thing he planned and brought to maturity; Dr John Edmund Haggai, is my inspiration. His unforgettable words : Attempt something so great for God, that if He be not in it, it is doomed to failure; are words that have guided my prayer and mission.

I thank Jesus for his life and wonderful work. Dr Haggai has impacted my work in Chhattisgarh, India. Eternity will prove that when we all meet at the Haggai Corner in Heaven.

Indira Kuriyan

I am very thankfull to God for the life and ministry of Dr.Edmund Haggai. As a missionary to Índia, I was trainned in Singapore in 2001. I was impacted and transformed and since them God used us to train thousands others by faifully apllying the principles of Haggai Training.
My wife Solange is always gratefull for the care the haggai team gave us as couple!
Prs. Djalma Dos Santos Barroso
IBREM – Igreja Batista Juiz de Fora – BRAZIL
DBM – Movimento Missionário Servos da Missão


I thank God for the Life of Dr. John Edmund Haggai. He obeyed God’s call and today he leaves the world a better place. I remember the Haggai training in Singapore with a lot of deep gratitude when I met Dr. Haggai during the convocation. What a passionate man he was, he believed in the vision so deeply and did everything to ensure third world Leaders get this amazing leadership training. I celebrate his life in Kenya.

Florence Ambayo

I bless God for the life of Dr John Edmund Haggai and his great vision of the Haggai Institute. Attending the training in 2007 at Maui, Hawaii was a great opportunity to be be exposed to dimensions of ministry that equipped me to train others. I received knowledge from a wide range of facilitators that has helped me a lot in the ministry. I have since then discipled many in person, by books, radio and TV and other online means.

The key of evangelism was strongly imparted that left an imprint in my heart. Today I’m more mindful being a soul winner in the Endtime harvest of the Kingdom of God. Haggai Institute leaves a lasting impact on one that grows. I am thankful.

May the Lord grant him rest from his rich labours of many decades and bless his legacy richly for many years more if the Lord tarries.

Jesse Sackey
Latter Rain Family Chapel

Jesse Sackey